Filipe Samuel Magaia – Short Biography CEPCB

Filipe Samuel Magaia, son of Samuel Guenguene Magaia and Albinic Ana Perreira Magaia, was born on 7 March 1937 in Mocuba, Zambezia province. He was a politician and guerrilla fighter of the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo), where he commanded the first guerrilla fronts for the independence of Mozambique, which began in 1964, in the then Administrative Post of Chai, Mueda district, Cabo Delgado province. Before joining Frelimo, Filipe Samuel Magaia’s political life had always involved revolutionary ideas. It was in this context that he joined up with other young people and founded the Núcleo dos Estudantes Secundários Africanos de Moçambique (NESAM), a youth organisation of native students in Mozambique, which at the time was already debating problems linked to the Portuguese colonial administration system, such as equality, justice and freedom.





Centro de Estudos de Paz Conflito e Bem Estar

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